Perfect Your Punctuation

The aim of this short course it to help you with your punctuation skills. This course will cover all aspects of punctuation from basic sentence punctuation through to more advanced punctuation usage.

Each module will have a short presentation explaining how to use different punctuation and worksheets to help you practice.

Live tuition course by Michelle Potthurst
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Basic Punctuation: Capital Letters, Full Stops, Exclamation Marks and Question Marks
This module covers basic sentence punctuation including capital letters, full stops, ecxlamation marks and question marks. The module is suitable for entry level adult learners and for English as a foreign language sudents. There are worksheets for students to complete. These should be reviewed by the tutor and discussed with the student to check the student's understanding.
Basic punctuation; using commas
This module will cover the basic usage of commas. The module contains a short Powerpoint explaining the use of commas and worksheets so you can practice what you have learned.
Basic Punctuation; using commas for items in a list and to show addistional information.
This module explains how to use commas to separate items in a list and to show where extra information is included in a sentence. The module contains a short PowerPoint explaining the use of commas along with worksheets to practice using commas.
Basic punctuation: using apostrophes
This short module explains what apostrophes are and how they are used in a sentence. The module contains a simple presentation and some worksheets so you can practice what you have learned.
Basic punctuation: using parenthesis
This short module explains what parenthesis is and how it is used in a sentence. The module contains a simple presentation and some worksheets so you can practice what you have learned.
Basic punctuation: using colons and semi-colons
This short module explains what colons and semi-colons are and how they are used in a sentence. The module contains a simple presentation and some worksheets so you can practice what you have learned.
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